Thursday, August 05, 2010
To help you keep your chest up at the finish, aim the handle for the top half of the black rectangle
For those that are interested, the registration for the USAW/ CrossFit Open has officially opened. If you do not have a member number with USAW you will need to join (which is $40 or so), and then registration for the event is $100. If you are interested in a fun weekend of competition, check out the sight here
It will ask you for a coach, you may use John as he is a certified USAWCoach.
Workout of the Day
Snatch Balance
Keep the weight below 75% of snatch 1RM and work on landing in the absolute bottom position.
7 Rounds for time of:
5 Ring Dips
7 Sumo Deadlifts (250/ 175)
9 Hang Power Snatch (55/ 35)