
Friday, September 21, 2007

Workout of the Day

9 Pull-ups
1 Double Under
8 Pull-ups
2 Double Unders
7 Pull-ups
3 Double Unders
6 Pull-ups
4 Double Unders
5 Pull-ups
5 Double Unders
4 Pull-ups
6 Double Unders
3 Pull-ups
7 Double Unders
2 Pull-ups
8 Double Unders
1 Pull-up
9 Double Unders



Name Time Mods
Garth 7:25
Eric 8:25
Kelli 10:35 Single Jumps x2, Band PU
Jen 13:35 Single Jumps x2, Band PU
Cathy 10:40 Single Jumps x2, Band PU
Larry 6:31
Shawn 6:34 Single Jumps x3