
Saturday, April 18, 2009

What better way to celebrate family than to celebrate it’s future. The most recent group photo of Montrose’s next and potentially best generation, keep up the hard work kiddos… and Nate, stop showing off those guns, your mom won’t have enough broom sticks to keep the girls away.

Workout of the Day for the Barbeque.

This workout will be a chipper, or a whole bunch of movements. We know how hard you all worked this week so we will keep it light.

Complete the following for time:
5 reps each of:
Push Ups
Slam Ball
Box Jumps
Kettle Bell Swings
Double Unders
Front Squats (95/75)
Pull Ups
Hang Power Snatches (75/ 55)
Wall Ball
Dumbell Cleans
Sprint the length of the Building