
Wednesday, 25 May, 2016

New member Jason getting after kettle bell swings in his second CrossFit workout.  He and Jess have been such a great addition to the gym and have folded  themselves into the community so effortlessly.  It's so good having you guys.

New member Jason getting after kettle bell swings in his second CrossFit workout. He and Jess have been such a great addition to the gym and have folded themselves into the community so effortlessly. It’s so good having you guys.

Workout of the Day:

Barbell Triceps Smash (2 Min each)
Global Gut Smash (3 Minutes)
For time:
Row 20 Calories
16 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
12 Dips
Row 15 Cal
12 Cleans
9 Dips
Row 10 Cal
8 Cleans
6 Dips
Row 5 Cal
4 Cleans
3 Dips