Tuesday, 7 November, 2017

Jodi is getting STROOOOOOONG!
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Jump Rope Warm Up
2x Thru
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Kipping Swings
10 Jumping Lunges
Double LAX Ball Low Back Smash
Low Bar Muscle Up Transition Drill
4 Rounds for time of:
5 Bar Muscle Ups
25 Air Squats
50 Double Unders
EMOM for 6 min
Perform 5-7 Box Jump Overs in 15 sec
Rest the remainder of each minute
10:30 something, 1/2 Reps DU, rx Bar MU
Weightlifting: 3RM SSB back squat- stopped at 135# but I know I had more in the tank; AMAP x2@ 80%- 115#, 13/8