Tuesday, 18 June, 2013

Congrats to Steven, he took first at the Colorado Open Raw Powerlifting Championships down at CrossFit Durango. He also hit a new PR deadlift of 457!
Workout of the Day:
Group Warm Up
Jog 200 M forwards
Back Pedal 200 Meters
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 Jumping Squats
15 Hip Circle Steps Each Direction
15 Bandy Good Mornings
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Kettle Bell Swings
Box Jumps
Toes to Bar
3x Max Handstand Hold (either against the wall or not)
5:08. Rest 3 min. 15 burpees, 100 double unders, 15 burpees (just testing my forearms after a grip workout).
Not much luck today on non-wall handstand hold.
wow, i felt like i had no get up and go this morning!
WOD: 7:31 (i think) and like chad, not much luck on free standing handstand holds
Congrats on your PR, Steven! You Rock!
7:32, 44# KB; wall hold- 5:25
Nice work Steven!
Kelli is the handstand Goddess! Thanks for the encouragement Julie/John!