Tuesday, 1 March, 2016

Carolyn C. crushing some sumo deadlift high pulls.
Workout of the Day:
Group Warm Up:
Jog 400 M
2 Rounds of
10 Hip Circle Steps each Direction
10 Hip Circle Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
1 Rope Climb
7 Hand Stand Push Ups
14 Wall Ball
5 + 24 (mod hand stand push-ups) ruled the rope climbs
5 + 5, 10# WB, started on WB
weights- 2 board press 1RM: 100#; 80% x AMAP x 2: 80#, 12, 13
lots of other nasty stuff. Not sure how the 2 board press will translate to my full bench, but really happy considering that is the heaviest I have lifted since June 2014.