Thursday, 26 March, 2015

One of CrossFit Agoge’s closest friends, Jacob of CrossFit Durango gets his mind right before he unracks a big squat.
Workout of the Day:
Group Warm Up:
Line Up at one end of gym:
40′ High Knee Jog
40′ Fanny Whackers
40′ Carioca Left
40′ Carioca Right
40′ Inch Worm Push Up
40′ Spiderman Stretch
40′ Back Pedal
40′ Lunge Walk
At the top of each 5 Minute period for 5 rounds perform:
400 Meter Run
rest 1 Minute
100 Meter Sprint
You have the remaining time inside of 5 minutes to rest.
I owe a huge apology to the 6am Weds class. I had the wrong version of the March schedule posted on my frig and that one did not have me working. Of course the revised schedule, which was sitting on my printer had me down at 6am. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK Thank you thank you Chad for stepping up to cover my lame self!!
Yep. Good one.