Thursday, 23 June, 2016


Thursday, 23 June, 2016

Becky M pushing them out.  No Knee push ups for this lady!

Becky M pushing them out. No Knee push ups for this lady!

Workout of the Day:


Monkey Bar of Death (2 Min Each)
Rotator Cuff Smash and Floss (2 Min each, Pg 250)
Every Minute on the Minute of:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/ 65)
6 Jumping Back Squats
Extras: Muscle Up Skill Work:
Spend 10 minutes working on the pieces that you are missing from your muscle up.  The skill work may not be sexy (who really loves those strict pull up abmat holds?) but muscle ups are, so get better!