Monday, June 21, 2010


Monday, June 21, 2010

Will. The word in it’s various contexts suggests a question. In it’s purest definition it allows a choice of things to do; will I or won’t I eat a steak for dinner? The word also offers us as humans a choice of conscience, as in free will. We can choose the high road or choose to commit a felonious act. We can choose to drive drunk or to call a friend to pick us up. And finally, on a grander scale, we ask: can I drive myself on? Can I survive what life throws at me, endure whatever trials may come my way? Can I stand on my own two feet in what amounts to the final round of a championship fight by sheer force of WILL?

How about today? How far can you push your success by refusing to succumb to the hurdles thrown in your path? In it’s essence, this is what CrossFit gives us: the ability to carry on.

Workout of the Day

3 Rounds for time:

5 Ring Dips
10 GHD situps
15 Pull Ups
20 Dead Lift (155/ 105)