Monday, December 6, 2010


Monday, December 6, 2010

We have very few members that can manage AN unassisted handstand push up, let alone the 45 required by “Diane.” Tegan managed to battle through 31 of those 45 and is sure to have the remaining 14 before very long. Nice job Tegs.

Workout of the Day

Mobility Work
Shoulder Band Stretch
Foam Roller Thoracic Spine Mob

As many reps as possible in the given time allotment, work to rest will be 1:1.

1 Minute of Front Squats (135/ 85)
1 Min. rest
2 Minutes of Burpees
2 Min. rest
3 Minutes of Kettle Bell Swings
3 Min. Rest
4 Minutes of Double Unders

Score is total number of reps.