Kids: June 11, 2014


Kids: June 11, 2014

We got the chance to play some games with the kids at Bright Beginnings/Maslow Academy during their annual fundraiser.  Cool fun on a hot day!

We got the chance to play some games with the kids at Bright Beginnings/Maslow Academy during their annual fundraiser last month. Cool fun on a hot day!

Warm up:

3 Rounds

20 sec Jump rope

20 sec Squats

20 sec Handstand kick ups

Skill work:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of

Suspended shrug



With a partner, complete the following AMRAP in a given amount of time

Partner A: Seated Sled pull

Partner B: Wall ball

When the sled crosses the line, switch places.

Do as many Wall ball as a team as you can.
