3:33 & 3:12 – Great Job 6am, glad to see some familiar faces back in the a.m. again.
joe c
5:51, 3:54 (9:45 total). Great WOD today, the changeup was a good challenge! Followed it up with some PT (db press, db shrugs), and then 3x handstand holds – just to make sure the shoulders were good n awake. Nice to see the 6am creu again, and remember what it’s like to be left in Chad’s dust!
Sorry to be missing this one! We are hoping to catch a WOD at CrossFit Byron Bay later today.
Miss you guys 🙂
3:33 & 3:12 – Great Job 6am, glad to see some familiar faces back in the a.m. again.
5:51, 3:54 (9:45 total). Great WOD today, the changeup was a good challenge! Followed it up with some PT (db press, db shrugs), and then 3x handstand holds – just to make sure the shoulders were good n awake. Nice to see the 6am creu again, and remember what it’s like to be left in Chad’s dust!
Sorry to be missing this one! We are hoping to catch a WOD at CrossFit Byron Bay later today.
Miss you guys 🙂