Thursday, 10 October, 2013


Thursday, 10 October, 2013

Here is my newest dude crush: Dmitry Klokov, woe unto the CrossFit Games when this monster decides to compete.

Workout of the Day:


Complete 30 Reps of each of the following movements for time:

Sit Ups

Box Jumps

Push Press (75/ 55)

Calories on the rower

Push Ups

Back Extensions

Good Mornings (Same Barbell)

Kettle Bell Deficit Deadlifts


Pick one or two weakness movements and get better at them.  If you have questions or need ideas, ask your trainers!

2 Responses

  1. joe c

    16:53 – no va hoy. couldn’t get the motor engaged and lower chain was cooked after those extensions! good wod, need to eat more i think! and sleep, and hydrate, and rest, and recover, and and and and