Monday, 14 March, 2016
Workout of the Day:
Kettle Bell Psoas Smash and Floss (2 Min Each)
Barbell Triceps Smash (2 Min Each)
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Cleans (135/ 95)
Ring Dips
Pace Work:
Every 30 Seconds for 10 rounds perform:
3 Thrusters (115/ 75)
Guys, this is a new thing for us. The goal is to set and maintain a comfortable, yet quick pace that allows us to get all of the work done in a timely fashion.
1WOD- 11:00- 65#, rx ring dips; 55# pace work
8:45 (85#, bandy dips) PR! Woo! Took 2 minuttes off my time from 1 1/2 years ago. Yep.
After workout workout blew! Killer. 65#. Didn’t think I’d make it, but did.