Saturday, 9 January, 2016


Saturday, 9 January, 2016

Dorcha working hard on keeping her elbows up on the jerk.

Dorcha working hard on keeping her elbows up on the jerk.

Workout of the Day:

Monster Mash:

With a continuously running clock:
12-9-6 Reps of:
Burpee Box Jumps
Squat Cleans (135/ 95)
Rest 5 Minutes
Push Jerks (135/ 95)
Toes to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes
40 Over Head Squats (75/ 55)
20 Hand Stand Push Ups
30 Overhead Squats
15 Hand Stand Push Ups
20 Overhead Squats
10 Hand Stand Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
Run 1 Mile

1 Response

  1. kelli

    break down- 35# SC, push ups and steps ups – 6:26
    35# PP and floor T2B – 4:53
    box high side toes HSPU, 35# OHS – 16:52
    row 1600m – 8:23
    3rd round was death and imo row was worse than running, but fun and really glad I could do it!