
Tuesday, November 20,2007

Workout of the Day

5 Rounds of the following for time:
20 Thrusters
20 Box Jumps
20 steps of Lunging Waiter Walks
Great work today, Everyone! Welcome to our newest members, Randall & Kateri. We are so glad to have you:)


Name Time Mods
JM 22:18
Amy 34:35
Christine 32:10
Angie 36:28
Brian 35:25
KB 16:51 PVC Thrusters, 10lb LWW
Kathy H 13:41 10/10/10
Tessie 16:16 10/10/20
Isaac 21:03
Tyler 23:28
Gio 25:53
Shawn B 26:45
John B 17:31
Dan 27:30
Zoila 32:35
Gina 31:55