
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Workout of the Day

Thanks to the efforts of one of our new recruits, Sarge, we are starting to bring in some members of the MHS Wrestling team. Congrats to all who hit a Personal Record today! For those of you that didn’t, you set the bar high for the next time we go for heavy Deadlifts, keep up the great work!


Name Weights
JM 355 lbs PR
Doug 399 lbs
Randall 185 lbs
Amy 159 lbs
Angie 173 lbs
Gina 173 lbs
Shawn B. 345 lbs PR
Craig 215 lbs
Tessie 125 lbs
Kelli L. 125 lbs PR
Kathy H. 120 lbs
John H. 225 lbs
Chuck 255 lbs
Dan L. 235 lbs PR
Isaac 420 lbs