
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Workout of the Day

This workout is in memory of Lt Mike McGreevy who was killed in action in Afghanistan, June 28, 2005.

3 Rounds of the following for time:

800m Run
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions


All results below are for 1 round on GHD, 2 rounds on floor unless otherwise indicated.

Name Time Mods
JM 21:15
Shawn B 22:50
Amy 26:15
Isaac 18:00
Garth 18:16
Tessie 19:50
Chuck 20:20
Tyler 20:45
Dan 21:24
Kathy H 23:28
Kelli L 22:48 Sub 25 KTE, 30 Back ext
Kelly B 21:10
JB 21:17 as Rx’d
Eric H 26:17
Angie 31:46
Gina 30:46