
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

“Eggs, Cheese, Peanut Butter,…” Gio finds out that writing his grocery list on his hand is a bad idea on pull up day!

Workout of the Day

“The Lumber Jack” Courtesy of CrossFit Vancouver.

1 Minute of Squat Cleans (95lbs/55lbs) =1pt for each rep
3min rest
1 Minute of Squat Cleans (135lbs/75lbs) = 3pts for each rep
3 Min rest
1 Minute of Squat Cleans (155lbs/95lbs) = 5pts for each rep
3 min rest
1 minute of Squat Cleans (185lbs/110lbs) = 8pts for each rep
3 min rest
1 minute of squat cleans (205/125) = 12pts for each rep
3 min rest
1 minute of squat cleans (225/135) = 17pts for each rep

Most points wins!