
Saturday, 19 November, 2016


Workout of the Day:

Partner Med Ball Warm-up:
Chest Pass x 10 each
Overhead Pass x 10 each
Twist to the Right x 10 each
Twist to the Left x 10 each
Granny Toss x 10 each
“Wall Ball” Toss x 10 each
1 minute of Tuck Hold Pass
Simple KB Swing Warm-up
1) Max hang on pull-up bar in 2 minutes
2) L-sit Development -2x Max Time L-Sit + Max Time Tuck Sit
-2x 20 seconds
-Sit n’ Reach + 10 seconds left foot off floor
and 10 seconds right foot off floor –
2x 20 seconds Straddle elbows on floor + 5 seconds left foot off floor + 5 seconds right foot off floor.
Partner WOD:
3 Rounds:
100 Swings (55/35)
100 Wall Ball shots (20/14 lb ball to 10/9′ target)
*1 person works at a time. No less than 25 reps at a time.
Cool Down:
Pick 1: Bike, row, or jog easy x 5 minutes or
Couch stretch, 90 seconds/side