WOD – CrossFit Kids


Kids: February 6, 2020

Warm up:

This or That:  Give them a station to stand on in a row (mat, plates, line on floor etc) facing trainer.  Trainer calls out two options ei: Superman or Batman. Sleep in Late or Get up Early. Blackberries or Strawberries.  Christmas or Halloween. Etc. One choice the kids step off of their station to the right, the other step to the left.  Trainer chooses one for the athlete to perform a movement. “If you chose Batman do 2 burpees” and continue on having kids reset right away and give them new options.  Be creative and think of things that the athletes will enjoy answering

Skill work: 

Hips the Wall:Start with students standing in squat stance ~4 inches from the wall, hands held high.  Practice pushing hips back until they contact the wall and then returning to the standing position.  Legs should remain relatively straight initially.  Feet move progressively farther from the wall and hips sink lower with each rep until the bottom of the squat position is achieved  




4 Jumping Bar Muscle Up

4 Box Jumps

4 Squats on Top of Box

Bear Crawl Down and Back