Wednesday, 8 January, 2014


Wednesday, 8 January, 2014

Julie Y jumping the bar to her shoulders.

Julie Y jumping the bar to her shoulders.

Workout of the Day:


Pistols: 5-7 minutes

If you have don’t have them, spend some time in the bottom position, if you do have them, add some weight via a kettle bell!


As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:

10 Pistols

15 Toes to Bar

20 Double Unders

4 Responses

  1. joe c

    Joe WOD of da north today,eh – 8min EMOM alternating 1 arm DB snatch, 2 each arm @#70 db. Rest 6 min, then AMRAP in 6 of: 5 power clean @#50 db, 5 thrusters @#50 db, 5 HR pushup (2+8 rnds); rest 6 min, then AMRAP in 6 of: 5 FS @#50 db, 10 DL @#80 db, 10 leg raises on bench (2+18 rnds).