Wednesday, 30 October, 2013


Wednesday, 30 October, 2013

Kaleigh showing off the guns during some heavy deadlifts.

Kailee showing off the guns during some heavy deadlifts.

Workout of the Day:


Overhead Tissue Smash (Option 3, 2 Min Ea, Pg 257)

Triceps Extension Smash (2 Min Ea, 277)


Press: 2-2-2

Seated Kettle Bell Seesaw Press 10×10

3 Responses

  1. Tim

    It didn’t feel like a very big accomplishment last night, but I finally broke 200 on press after flirting with that weight for going on 2 years! I have gone up, back down, up, and back down. Got 200 x 2 last list and 205 x 1. 10 lb. PR on the 1 RM!!!!!!!!!!!