Wednesday, 26 March, 2014


Wednesday, 26 March, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday Ella.

Happy 18th Birthday Ella.

Workout of the Day:


Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes of:

2 Hand Stand Push Ups

4 Deadlifts (135/ 95)

6 Pistols

(Sub Lunge Steps for pistols)


Perform 3 Rope Climbs or 30 Banded Super Man Sit Up Muscle Up Drills

5 Responses

  1. kelli

    10 rounds, finished each about 22-25 sec rest; 3 rope climbs
    Happy birthday to my baby girl Ella (you will always be that to me). I love you! Ephesians 6:11

  2. joe c

    Happy Birthday Ella the Great! finished 10 rounds this morning, many HSPU and pistols were a bit ugly! I’m now 1181 of 3690 in my old fart division worldwide. just have to finish one more WOD… Hope to see everyone Friday night!

  3. Julie B

    10 rounds with 17 seconds left after each round. Legs turned to rubber. Worked on Supermans. Got dizzy. Gave myself butt rash. Happy Birthday, Ella!