Wednesday, 11 February, 2015
Workout of the Day:
Spend 5 Minutes working on Rope Climb Technique: Trainer led
Partner WOD performed Leap Frog Style
As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes of:
1 Rope Climb
7 Kettle Bell Front Squats
7 Deadlifts (195/ 135)
Leap Frog style means that you and your partner will alternate exercises. I.e. if I start on Rope climbs, then my partner will perform the fronts squats and then I will perform the deadlifts on the first round, then the partner would start the second round on the rope and I would take the front squats.
Banded Elbow Distraction (3 Min Each, Pg 281/2)
4 rounds +8, solo- subbed seated sled pulls (2-45#), did both 35#/25# KB