Tuesday, 8 April, 2014


Tuesday, 8 April, 2014

Cartwheels are an amazing way of adding some vestibular work and fun to workouts.

Cartwheels are an amazing way of adding some vestibular work and fun to workouts.

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:
7 minute AMRAP at a Warm Up Pace:  
10 sit ups
“Tarzan” down pullup frame
10 squats
Lunge steps
5 Burpees
High knees
10 Tuck jumps
Backward lunge steps

6 Rounds for Time of:

10 Kettle Bell Snatchs (5 Right, 5 Left)

10 Burpees

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/ 55)

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