Tuesday, 28 June, 2016


Tuesday, 28 June, 2016

Polesly getting that ab pump going with some GHD Sit ups.

Polesly getting that ab pump going with some GHD Sit ups.

Workout of the Day:

Side Hip Smash (2 Minutes Each)
Barbell Shoulder Smash (2 Minutes each)
Clean and Jerk
In two minute rounds, if you fail to get all the reps, go to last successful weight and go again.
10 Reps at 155/ 105
8 Reps at 185/ 115
6 Reps at 205/ 135
4 Reps at 225/ 155
2 Reps at 255/ 175
This workout is for time, so if you finish early, you can move to the next weight to earn “extra” time for the next round.

1 Response

  1. Kelli

    2 rounds + 3 – 55#/75#/95#

    Weightlifting: free squat vs 2 chains each side, 3RM- 115#
    80% x AMAP- 10@95#
    Sumo stiffys- 95# x 20x 5
    400m hip circle walk