Tuesday, 10 September, 2013

Thanks to everyone that came out to support the “Hotshot 19” workout. Your ability to come together as a community astounds and humbles us.
Workout of the Day:
Group Warm Up:
Medball Warm Up
As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes of:
10 Dumbell Snatch (right arm)
Run 100 M
10 Dumbell Snatch (left arm)
Run 200 M Backwards
30 Seconds of Kettle Bell Swings
30 Seconds of Plank Hold
4 rounds + 10 DB + 30.9 m run (55# DB) – There are no heroes at 5,…. on a Tuesday.
2 rounds + 19 snatch, 35# DB; KB/plank- 44#