Thursday, 4 July, 2013


Thursday, 4 July, 2013

John and his foolish followers ran the yoke up and down hog back 3 times, each time adding a challenge to the effort.

John and his foolish followers ran the yoke up and down hog back 3 times, each time adding a challenge to the effort.

Here is what happens when John has too much time on his hands and people strong enough to push him.

Workout of the Day:


Partner workout:

Complete the following for time:

50 Deadlifts (225/ 155) Partner Handstand Holds

50 Lunging Waiter’s Walk/ Partner Front Rack Holds

50 Toes To Bar/ Partner Ring Support Holds

50 Renegade Rows/ Partner L Hold

1 Response

  1. Kelli L

    19:33 team Brent and Kelli. Thanks partner, you rocked!

    DES: 2×15@55% straight bar back squat – 95#; sumo 3 mat deficit pulls 1×10 for 10 minutes. – 165# and 135#