Thursday, 30 January, 2014


Thursday, 30 January, 2014

Synchronized Kettle Belling

Synchronized Kettle Belling

Workout of the Day:


Partner WOD:

Complete the following for time:

Row 1000 M while other partner holds plank

50 Ground to Overhead (135/ 95) while partner holds the top of the dip

50 Front Squats (135/ 95) while partner holds the overhead position with a single kettle bell

400 Meter 3 arm farmer’s carry (each team carries 3 Kbs)


5 Responses

  1. joe c

    Joe WOD of the great white north- 14 min AMRAP w #35 DBs of 1 Power clean, 1 box step-up, 1 push press; 2 PC, 2 Step up, 2 push press; 3 PC, 3 Stepup, 3 PP; n+1 each round. 10 + 22. shoulders still cooked from the thrusters the other day.

  2. Kelli

    31:27, Becky(75#, 55#,35#) and Kelli (75#, 75#, 35#). I think I could have lifted heavier, but I also had an awesome partner that made my job easier. Nice work Becky, hope this kicks your cold to the curb. 🙂