Thursday, 20 February, 2014


Thursday, 20 February, 2014

Frank setting a PR deadlift at the powerlifting meet two weekends ago!

Frank setting a PR deadlift at the powerlifting meet two weekends ago!

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

1 time through of, 1 Minute each of:

Hip Circle Steps

Bandy Good Mornings

PVC Pipe Overhead Squats

Kettle Bell Swings

See Saw Squats

Banded Strict Pull Ups




Box Steps Ups with Dumbells x 100

4 Responses

  1. joe c

    Nice Job Frank!!! You’ve worked so hard on your strengthening, glad to see it’s paying off! Joe Canada wod: 4×8 inclined bench press, bench press, ahoulder press, then 2x 2min ME dips, rest 2min(19,21), and 2x 2min ME air squats rest 2min(75,76).

  2. Marni

    Way to go, Frank!! You rock! Your ever growing strength and mental toughness is always amazing to watch and motivates me!