Thursday, 18 January, 2018

Handstand Skill in space will make for better handstands everywhere.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
Partner Warm Up, AMRAP in 7 min of:
10 synchro Sit Ups
9 synchro Squats
8 synchro DB Push Press
7 synchro Burpees
5 Wall Ball Squats
5 Wall Ball Thrusters
5 Wall Ball Singles
5 Wall Ball
Partner Leap Frog Style
As Many Rounds as Possible in 13 Minutes of:
10 Wall Ball
7 Kettle Bell Swings
15 Double Unders
4 min Partner Rope Climbs “You go, I go”
weightlifting: 40%x3x5 of close grip, comp grip, wide grip vs bands- 45#
Swimming today, and it was just what I needed.
Baby on board style (solo rounds)
10 wb
7 kB
15 box step ups
5+6 rounds