Saturday, March 21, 2020


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Let’s put the “Social” back into “Social Distancing”!  
Come meet us at 10am today at Cerise Park.  
Its HUGE and there will be plenty of room for us to spread out and get our WOD on!  
If you can’t (or shouldn’t) make it, that’s okay! Grab your crew and do this one at home!


Warm Up:

Mixed Tabata (2 Rounds each of 20 sec on/ 10 sec off) of:
Air Squats
Push ups
Sit ups
Mountain Climbers 


In teams of 4-5, complete as many reps as possible of the following in 15 minutes:
 (Got less people?  No worries!  Just eliminate a movement or two)

“Pacer” is the Shuttle Run (100-200m)
Sit ups
Jumping Jacks/Lateral hops
Plank up-downs

*As long as it takes for the runner to compete the distance, other team members do as many reps as possible of the movement at their given station.  
When the runner returns, team members rotate to the next station.  
Social Distance High-fives encouraged!

**It goes without saying (but we will say it anyway), if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath,
or have been around anyone who does, please stay home.  
Be safe. We are rooting for you!  

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