Saturday, 30 May, 2015


Saturday, 30 May, 2015

Our good friend (and resident running psychopath) Chris M and his fiancee ran across Zion National Park... That's right, all the way across it.  He was kind enough to share this absolute gem of a photo.  Thanks man, you are an inspiration.

Our good friend (and resident running psychopath) Chris M and his fiancee ran across Zion National Park… That’s right, all the way across it. He was kind enough to share this absolute gem of a photo. Thanks man, you are an inspiration.

Workout of the Day:


Complete the following for time:

5 Kettle Bell Swings

10 Calorie Row

15 Double Unders

10 Kettle Bell Swings

15 Calories

20 Double Unders

15 Kettle Bell Swings

20 Calories

25 Double Unders

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