Monday, 7 March, 2016


Monday, 7 March, 2016

Cassie getting her hips open and elbows high and outside.

Cassie getting her hips open and elbows high and outside.

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

Jog 400 m

Then 2x through of:

7 Super Slow Squats—> Lunge walk 40′

5 Super Slow Push Ups —> Spiderman Stretch 40′

10 Ring Rows—> Broad Jump 40′

10 Knees to Elbows—> Inch Worm 40′

Skill Work:

Muscle Ups


30 Muscle Ups for time

1 Response

  1. Julie B

    16:22, I think. I forgot. 30 strict pull-ups (band), 30 false-grip ring rows, 60 dips (band) arm blast