Monday, 5 March, 2018

PSA: David S is a savage. That is all.
Workout of the Day:
Warm Up:
3 x through of:
7 Hip Extensions
7 Banded Squats
7 Push Ups
7 GHD Sit Ups
5 shrugs on the pull up bar, 5 med ball front squats
5 Kipping Swings, 5 Med Ball Thrusters
3 Kipping Pull Ups, 3 Wall Ball Shots
Review WB 2fers
Death by:
Strict Pull Up
Rest 2 Minutes
Death By
Wall Ball 2Fers (2 Squats per throw)
Rest 2 Minutes
Death By Kipping Pull Up
Cool Down/ Accessories:
Midline work “sponge” series https://instagram.com/p/Bfq-Gz0hiHt/
8+7 rx, 11+10 (10#), 14+12 rx