Monday, 25 May, 2015


Monday, 25 May, 2015

Our apologies for failing to post online about our holiday schedule today

Classes were 9&10 am only as posted on calendar at the gym.   Sorry if the message didn’t get to you on time.

That is a lot of beef on that wall.  We are proud to see so many of you making such huge jumps in your capacity.

That is a lot of beef on that wall. We are proud to see so many of you making such huge jumps in your capacity.

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

Row 250 M

10 See Saw Squats

10 Push Ups

10 Bandy Triceps Press Downs

10 Dumbbell Push Press

10 Kipping Swings

10 Box Jumps


“Mary on the Run”

As Many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:

3 Rounds of Mary:

(5 Hand Stand Push Ups,10 Pistols, 15 Pull Ups)

Run 400 M

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