Monday, 12 May, 2014


Monday, 12 May, 2014

Multi-tasking during accessory work is allowed.

Multi-tasking during accessory work is allowed.

Workout of the Day:

Group Warm Up:

2X Through:

200m Sled Pull

10 V-Ups

10 Ring Rows
10 Dips
10 Bandy Good Mornings
10 Wall Ball
20 Double Unders/40 Singles

21-15-9 Reps for time of:

Hand Stand Push Ups

Push Press (95/ 65)

2 Responses

  1. Julie B

    9:25- going easy on the foot- 45# bar, mod h.s. push-ups. Good job Tyler, sticking it out with those real handstand push-ups. 🙂