Kids: December 3, 2018


Kids: December 3, 2018

Warm up:

Switch Sides:  Divide the group in half and line them up facing each other on opposite sides of the room.  Select a way to cross the space and call “switch!” to signal them to switch sides. Repeat with as many different movements as you can think of.


Skill work:

Hips to the Wall Squats:  Start with students standing in squat stance ~4 inches from the wall, hands held high.  Practice pushing hips back until they contact the wall and then returning to the standing position.  Legs should remain relatively straight initially.  Feet move progressively farther from the wall and hips sink lower with each rep until the bottom of the squat position is achieved.



5 Box Jumps
5 Squats on Top of Box
5 Broad Jumps
5 Handstand Kick Ups


