Kids: December 1, 2015


Kids: December 1, 2015











For a while now, I have kept a record of our monthly Skill Focus pinned to to bulletin board over my desk so I could make sure to cover all our bases with programming.  After 5 years, I am going to have to get out a new piece of paper.  Thanks for the memories… -KB

Warm up:

In relay teams of 3-4, complete: 1 forward roll -> ~5 yd bear crawl -> 1 forward roll -> ~5 yd Frog hop

Skill work:

Sumo Stance -> knees bent -> strong back, aka “Angry Gorilla”


AMRAP in a given amount of time (keep the KBs nice and light for this one)

5 Goblet squats

5yd Lunge walk (with KB in Front rack)

5 KB swings

5yd Overhead KB carry

5 Deadlifts

20yd Farmer carry (one hand or two)
