Friday, 7 December 2007


Friday, 7 December 2007

Workout of the Day


As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand push ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull ups
Kelli L. teaching her daughter how to do push ups. Nice work ladies! Coming soon… Crossfit Kids, stay tuned.


Name Rounds Mods
Brian 4 2/3
Kelli L. 8 5/6 Band Pull ups
Christine 8 1/3 Band Pull ups
Angie 6 1/3 Band Pull up/ Box HSPU
Garth 11 Unsupported Pistols
Shawn B 9
Gina 6 2/3 Band Pull Ups/ Box HSPU
Eric 8 1/4
Cathy R. 7 Band Pull Ups/ Box HSPU
Gio 7 Band Pull Ups
Zoila 7 Band Pull Ups/ Box HSPU
Isaac 11 3/4
JB 13 2/3 Unsupported Pistols
Kelly B 8 2/3