Friday, 15 March, 2013


Friday, 15 March, 2013

At the CrossFit Level 1 seminar they speak about the CrossFit Prescription, which is Functional Movements, Constantly Varied and performed at High Intensity. There are many different aspects to the constant variance piece: What time of day you workout, varied movements, loads and rep structures, but one that is often overlooked is what clothing you workout in. If our goal is to be able to perform the tasks that life demands of us, doesn’t it make sense to occasionally train in the clothes that we will be accomplishing those tasks in? On top of that, I find it impressive that rather than just bag the workout, Dorcha showed up without her favorite pair of “just right” lululemon shorts and super comfy Reebok shoes That is what functional is all about.

Quote of the Day from yesterday: “Write your scores on the board! You people are effing inspirational!” Thanks Frank, you are too!

Workout of the Day

Paleo Chair (7 Minutes)

7 Rounds for time of:
10 Wall Ball
10 Pull Ups