Dynamic Effort Lower


Dynamic Effort Lower

Main Event:

straight bar free squats vs green band: 50% x 2 x 4, 60% x 2 x 4, 70% x 2 x 2


sumo deficit(1 inch) speedy pulls: 60%x2x10

bandy walk or circle walk- 10mins non stop
lower back

2 Responses

  1. Kelli

    orange and red banded squats, 50%- 80#, 60%- 110# (we have math issues), 70%- 120#; 1 pad deficit sumo pulls at 60%- 145#x2x10; bandy walk for 11 1/2 minutes (I also have issues keeping track of time) 🙂

  2. Missy

    Same as Kelli: orange and red banded squats, 50%- 80#, 60%- 110#, 70%- 120#; 1 pad deficit sumo pulls at 60%- 145#x2x10; bandy walk for 10 minutes. Anyone else end up with purple “wings” from the banded squats?