Monday, 17 February, 2014
Workout of the Day:
Psoas Smash and Floss (Op 2, 2 Min each, Pg 294)
Barbell Shoulder Smash (2 Min Each, Pg 266)
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Power Cleans (155/ 105)
Toes to Bar
Tuck Jump
did this one highly modified, benched after with Ella
HUGE 9am class…nice work!!!!!
Canada wod today: 3x 5min:3off tempo intervals at 5k pace. oooh dreadmill, how do i loathe thee…
bench wod: 5x5x80%- 75#; DB press 25x5x10#; 100 bandy tris; 300 DB shrugs x 20#; 100 DB curls x 15#