Thursday, 12 December, 2013
Workout of the Day:
Psoas Smash N’ Floss KB variant (2 Min each, Pg 294)
Wall Squat with External Rotation (2 Min Each side, Pg 312)
Warm up to 80% of your max deadlift then perform 2 reps x 5 sets
Go up to 85% and place the weight on blocks (a pad each side works well) 2 x 3 sets
Drop to 75% from a deficit and do 5 x 2
Max dead hang from the pull up bar (no pull ups, just hanging) x 2
did modified weightlifting-
box squats 3x15x50%- 85#; speedy sumo pulls 1x10x50%- 135# (oops, did my math wrong and was a little heavier than 50%)
300, 320, 280 – Hard to find the mental toughness this morning. Nice Job Larry!