Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Workout of the Day

Dumbell Clean and Jerk
Gio gives the pull-up bar a pep talkā€¦ or perhaps its the other way around.


Name Time Weight
Isaac 12:22 45 lbs
Sam 12:36 30 lbs
Doug 13:30 30 lbs
Erik 13:25 30 lbs
Chuck 13:40 20 lb ball cleans
Tessie 14:07 10 lbs/ Band Pull ups
Amy 15:42 20 lbs/ band Pull ups
Craig 14:59 1st set 25 lbs Last 2 20 lbs
Kathy H 16:00 5 lbs/Band Pull ups
Dan L 18:55 30 lbs
Angie 18:30 25 lbs/ Band Pull ups
Alex 18:45 25 lbs/ Jumping Pull ups