Kids: August 3, 2016


Kids: August 3, 2016

Double underhand throw for height during last month's skill work

Double underhand throw for height during last month’s skill work

Warm up:

Switch sides: Divide the group in half and line them up facing each other on opposite sides of the room.  Select a way to cross the space and call “switch!” to signal them to switch sides.

Skill work:

Descending Deadlifts: Set up a light kettlebell on each of 3-4 low boxes and/or plate stacks, starting at just below the knee and getting incrementally lower until the final station is a kettlebell on the floor.  Athletes start at the highest box and work their way down the line, progressing only as far as they are able to demonstrate an Angry Gorilla back.


AMRAP in a given amount of time of

10 Deadlifts

10 yds Burpee broad jump

10 Sit ups

10 yds Burpee broad jump
