Monday, 2 March, 2015


Monday, 2 March, 2015

Julie getting springy with box jumps.

Julie getting springy with box jumps.

Workout of the Day:


Lacrosse Ball Psoas Smash (2 Min Each, Pg.)

Glute Smash and Floss (2 Min Each, Pg)


Death By:

Power Snatch (135/ 95)

Power Clean

Shuttle Run

Set up the barbell in the middle of the room.  Once you have finished your Snatches and Cleans, sprint to the pull up rig, then sprint to the balcony side, then back to your barbell.  With each successive round, you will add one lap down and back.

2 Responses

  1. kelli

    did it as written (65# cleans, 30# DB snatch left arm) and got 3+2; alternate version performed 5 rounds