WOD – CrossFit Kids


Kids: December 9, 2019

Warm up:

Freeze Tag

Skill work: 

One Foot Balance Challenges: Have each athlete stand on their right foot.  Call out different challenges and see if they can balance for as long as they can.  Ex: Jump up and down three times. Bend over and touch the ground. Turn in a circle.  Wave at your neighbor. Reach for the sky. Until all athletes have lost balance. Think like bar games.  Then have them switch to the left foot and try again


Rock Around the Clock :  Set up 12 cones in a large circle to represent the face of a clock.  Athletes perform the designated number of reps of the established movement at each cone.  

Each time an athlete completes the ___ at 12 o’clock, do 2 cartwheels before starting again at 1 o’clock

Odds: Front Squats
Evens:  Push Press